Sylvie’s birthday is coming up! On September 18th, she leaves the single-digit years behind.

Our Honeybee is growing in confidence all the time, her personality and amazing sense of humor shining through. She is creative, imaginative, and talented, already writing her own songs and building the world she wants to live in. I expect soon she’ll have her own sense of style in all things, and I hope she will remain untroubled by whether or not it fits with the mainstream.

As a friend (including to Simon), Sylvie is loyal, kind, thoughtful, and observant. She remains a bit reserved, but she can be bold and can lead the way when she decides to. We can’t wait to see how she grows into more dance classes and School of Rock shows, as well as that fourth grade life – the year she can start an instrument in school!

Sylvie asked us to share a wish list of the things she would love for her birthday. We’re happy to send her ideas out into the world, but please know that she will be super happy with absolutely any presents that come her way!

Note: Items marked as “Reserved” have likely already been purchased. You can buy things through the list site, but I think it adds a bunch of fees, so I didn’t add our address or enable that service. If you need our address or anything, let us know.

We’ll share big 10th birthday photos soon! Thank you for loving our kiddos!! Your cards and gifts are so very special to them.

Sara Nolan

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